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Category: Criminal Defense

Protecting yourself after a ‘highway stop-and-frisk’

There are roughly 9 million licensed drivers in Pennsylvania; countless more drivers regularly travel through the state. Of these drivers, according to Pennsylvania State Police, nearly one million were stopped in 2019. Even though traffic stops are not uncommon, many people do

What are the penalties for a first-time DUI?

Many holiday traditions involve gathering with loved ones — though perhaps on a smaller scale this year — and having a few drinks. Then, on your way home, you see flashing lights in your rear-view mirror. Before you know it, your blood

Test anxiety can even impact field sobriety test results

Field sobriety tests are the physical coordination exams that police subject drivers to when suspected of driving under the influence. You have likely seen them on TV or even experienced them yourself. The three standard tests used in Pennsylvania and elsewhere include:

Factors that can make a DUI go from bad to worse

Drunk driving charges can affect anyone, from a teenager leaving a party to a grandparent struggling with addiction. No matter who you are, the consequences of a DUI conviction can take a tremendous toll financially, emotionally and legally. Addressing these charges immediately

Your rights after an arrest

One sentence you can expect to hear in a TV show or movie featuring police is, “You have the right to remain silent.” You may even hear a character refer to this as “Miranda rights,” although you may be uncertain what that

How can a minor affect your college career?

When you first go to college, you get to experience a whole new freedom in your social life. You will decide how late to stay up, who to hang out with, where to go and what you will do. Like many students,

How a DUI can affect your career prospects

Most people’s career paths come with a few speed bumps. In some cases, that speed bump could be a DUI conviction. If it was a one-time mistake, the charge might only provide minor setbacks. While a DUI charge can stay on someone’s

Are field sobriety tests always accurate?

Most people have probably seen a field sobriety test on shows, but many of these TV stereotypes are not depicted realistically. Typically, field sobriety tests get administered when an officer is trying to establish probable cause for an arrest. When doing these