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Category: Family Law

Can you move away from Pennsylvania with your kids?

Part of moving on with your life after a divorce may be moving to a new area. If, however, you wish to take your kids with you when you relocate, that may present some problems. Your move will almost certainly impact your

The financial and emotional effects of child support payments

For any couple, the divorce process is challenging. However, the emotional turmoil when a married couple with kids calls off their relationship off is overwhelming, especially if they do not carefully consider the family law issues that involve the kids. Aside from

Breaking down divorce’s financial issues

There is undoubtedly a lot to take care of and think about in a divorce. While you likely keep your financial health in the forefront of your mind, you may not have a full picture of how to set yourself up for

Is joint custody really a good idea?

You may have heard that joint custody of children by their divorced parents has become the preferred custody arrangement in virtually all states. But now that you face your own divorce, you undoubtedly want to know whether joint custody represents the best

What happens to your house after the divorce?

Pennsylvania couples who choose to divorce are faced with several unique situations when it comes to dealing with the mortgage and marital home. A potential divorce can seriously affect both spouse’s finances and how to handle the home depends a lot on

How are assets split during Pennsylvania divorces?

Like others in Pennsylvania and elsewhere who get married, you and your spouse comingled your lives during your union, including your possessions and finances. Now that you have decided to get divorced, you must separate your shared property. This is the most

Can you help your children through separation anxiety?

When you make the decision to divorce your spouse in Pennsylvania, one of your first concerns may be how this decision will affect your children. After all, despite the significant changes in your relationship, your soon-to-be-ex is still your children’s other parent.

Holiday Custody Agreements – The Gifts That Keep On Giving

“We don’t need anything in writing.” “We can figure it out.” Which inevitably leads to, “he/she never let me see the kids when we agreed I could.” Those are the most frequent phrases I hear when clients come in, sometimes years after splitting